Home /Indian English (Female)
47+ Female Voice Artists - Indian English
To book any voice over artist, copy the Sample Name(s) & whatsapp at 9810269265 or discuss it in the chatbox below & or mail it alongwith project details at deepakagnihotri@gmail.com. If you are unable to listen or make a choice you can directly mail us Project details like Script, Budget, Turn around time etc. & will we revert you with suitable samples.
Sep 2024 - 8-Medical 8-Neude(2024)- Ads, Narration 2-Vega IVR 3-Renault-ivr 4-Tata ad 6-IVR
7-News 8-Narration 11-IVR 12-Narration 14-E-Learning 15-Narration
28 - Sona_E Learning 29- Tj-Kids-funny 31-Js-Narration | More 18 - vrsh E learning 21-E Learning 23-Flight
25-kr-audiobook 28-Children Story 30-Js-Explainer-bold voice 35-Af-english 38- Mona 42- GT Mature Versatile voice
44- Meena English 47 - Shiwa eng kids 48 - Meena-fbd-eng 50-Rich 53-Nirg-ELearning 54-Anila English
44- Meena English 47 - Shiwa eng kids 48 - Meena-fbd-eng 50-Rich 53-Nirg-ELearning 63-Suchi - English Bold
64-Palavi-Eng-Story 65-Sh-Mature Bold Versatile 71- Roma eng cartoon stories 72-Ak-ad, Bold, Young 72-Ak-Japanese-Film 1-Ansals promo
73-Arpita-Bubbly Mature 74-Husky-Cartoon-kashish 74-Japanese Female voice artist 75-English-Bold-voice-Deepti 5-Narration 84- Ayushi Young English