Home / Hindi (Male)
38+ Hindi Male Voice Artists
To book any voice over artist, copy the Sample Name(s) & whatsapp at 9810269265 or discuss it in the chatbox below & or mail it alongwith project details at deepakagnihotri@gmail.com. If you are unable to listen or make a choice you can directly mail us Project details like Script, Budget, Turn around time etc. & will we revert you with suitable samples.
Hindi 1-dv-Medical 2024 1-dv-Bold, Motivational 2-mnj 3-ampr 4-ag 6-ptl
Hindi 7-alk 8-zo 17-sklp-hindi 18-sagrj-hin 32-Shub-young-hindi 34-Baritone, Mature
Hindi 35 - Aj Dubbing 36-Dev-Dubbing 37-Mumbai Hindi accent 12-Historical, Story telling 38-Young-casual 39-Raj- Young voice, acting
Hindi 41-Young, Conversational 42-Young, Story Telling 43-Arun Nepali, Hindi male voice 44 - Priyansh Hindi Marathi voice 45-Lep-young voice 46 - Abhi
Hindi 52-anil hindi bhojpuri 53-Rishab Heavy Voice, Cartoon 54-Navi-young voice 55-Hindi-Mature-Voice-Story 57 - Arsh Character Voices 60-Kan-Birla-airtel-young (more...)
Hindi 66-Hindi_Ad-Saksham 61-SBI Young voice mandy 62 - Saranjeet-Cartoons 63-Shubam Promo 64 - Amr Young, dubbing 65-Kanv-Heavy Young
Hindi 67 - Hindi - Ads, Narration 5-dvd