Welcome to Deepak Agnihotri Voice Over Productions : 66th National Film Award Winning Voice Artist. We provide Professional male, female voice artists in all Indian & International languages.To book any voice artist WhatsApp 9810269265

Indian Regional Language Voice Artists
English (Male)-32+ | English (Female)-38 | Hindi (Male)-34+ | Hindi (Female)-55 | Marathi-12 | Bengali-14 | Gujarati-8 | Malayalam-5 | Telugu-8 | Oriya-6 | Tamil-11 | Kannada-19 | Punjabi-3 | Assamese-5 | Kashmiri, Urdu | Bhojpuri Maithili | Nepali | Bollywood Mimicry Artists ( Choose Voice Artist by Age for your specific Project ) ...| Child(Boy-Girl) Voice Artistes, Cartoon voices

All International Languages Voices available by Native VO Artists from across the World
UK/ US English-42 | Australian English | Chinese | Vietnamese | French | Spanish | Arabic | Italian ...
Your one stop Online Voice Over agency, providing Voice Over solutions in Indian & Foreign languages by Native Professional Voice Talents from all across India & World catering to wide ranging Variety, Age & Budget options with super fast turn around time. In Indian context you can listen to some of our voice samples below in this page.
Located in New Delhi, India we provide all types of Voice Over Recording services viz. Voice Overs for Corporates, Live Voice Overs for Events, Product Launch functions, Production Houses, Script Translations, Dubbing, Video Editing to our Clients all across India, Dubai & beyond physical boundaries. (Read more). We have all the Regional Language artists (Male, Female, Kids, Teens, Mimicry, Cartoons etc) in our ever increasing Voice Bank .

Voice Over Samples

English Male Voice Artists

1-dvd1 2-rony(more...) 3-Aaj 4-Ab Simple 5-akg 7-ank 8-mn 13-vvm 15-jnk 12-lake 13-js 16-pk 18-360 degree radio ad 19-South Indian English Accent 20 - NRI Eng 21-society-explainer 23F-Narration 24-young audio book 25-Butterfly- E Learning 26-Devotional 27-Jd-Audio Book 31-Birla

English Female VO Artists

1-Ansals (more by this artist) 2-Vega IVR 3-Renault-ivr 4-Tata ad 5-Narration 6-IVR 7-News 8-Narration 11-IVR 12-Narration 14-E-Learning 15-Narration 28 - Sona_E Learning 29- Tj-Kids-funny 31-Js-Narration | More

Multi Language Voices

Maithili female (Jyoti) Marathi female (More) Malayalam Male (More) Telugu female artist(More) Bangla male Voice Artist(More) Kannada Female voices (More) Assamese female (More) Odia voice artists male (More) Hindi Female Voice Artists Neutral English Female IVR Browse more Indian Regional

International Artists

Italian Male Spanish Male Polish Male Thai Male Arabic
Browse more International languages